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قالب وبلاگ
لینک های مفید

رشته های لیسانس سوئد به زبان انگلیسی
زبان انگلیسی با گرایش زبان و ادبیات و فرهنگ .Bachelor Programme in English with Specialisation in Language, Literature and Culture. 
مهندسی نرم افزار .Software Engineering and Management

<**ادامه مطلب...**><**ادامه مطلب...**>
مدیریت بازرگانی .Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BBA)
مدیریت اطلاعات بازرگانی .Bachelor of Science in Business Informatics (BBI)
اقتصاد .Bachelor of Science in economics (BScEcon)
حسابداری .Analytical Finance
مدیریت بازرگانی بین الملل . International Business Management 8. بازاریابی تجاری بین الملل . International Business Marketing
مهندسی الکترونیک . Electronic Engineering

لیست رشته های فوق لیسانس به زبان انگلیسی
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رشته ها به تفکیک دپارتمان ها
Business & Social Sciences 1. Business Administration 2.
 On-line MBA 3
. Bioinformatics 4.
Management of Logistics and Transportation 5.
Production and Operations Management
6. Quality Technology and Management
7. Supply Chain Design and Management
8. African Studies
9. Economics
10. European Political Sociology 11. International Business Marketing 12. Statistics
13. Business Administration – Baltic Sea Management Academy 14. International Management - Baltic Sea Management Academy 15. International Trade, Law and Treaties – Baltic Sea Management Academy
16. Industrial and Financial Economics
17. Intellectual Capital Management 18. International Accounting
 International Business 20. International Management 21. Logistics and Transport Management 22. Social Work
23. Software Engineering and Management
24. Tourism and Hospitality Management
25. International Marketing 26. Entrepreneurial Management 27. International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
28. IT and Business Renewal
 The Economics of International Trade, Investments & Finance in the Global Economy
30. Service Management Research 31. Adult Learning and Global Change
32. Advanced Computer Graphics 33. Business Administration Strategy and Culture

Citizenship Education
35. Outdoor Environmental Education and Outdoor Life for Teachers
36. Science, Technology and Society 37. International and European Relations
 38. Computer Science and Engineering
 39. Electronic Commerce
 Information and Systems Science 41. Asian Studies
42. Corporate Finance
43. Design of Interactive Systems 44. Efficient Computation
45. Environmental Management and Policy
46. European Affairs Programme 47. Human Rights Law
 48. Human Rights and Intellectual Property Rights Law
49. Human Rights & International Labour Standards
50. International Marketing and Brand Management
51. LUMES – Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science 52. LUMID – International Development and Management 53. MESPOM – Environmental Science, Policy and Management – Erasmus Mundus
54. Analytical Finance
55. Children: HealthDevelopmentLearning 56. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Profile 57. Computer Science with Software Engineering Profile
58. Ecological Economics Studies in Sustainable Development 59. International Marketing 60. Production and Logistics Management
Real Time Systems
62. Robotics
63. International Graduate Programme and SSE MBA 64. Comparative and International Education
65. European Intellectual Property Law
66. European Law
 67. International Commercial Arbitration Law
 68. Law and IT
 69. Law and Economics
 70. Natural resource management, governance and globalisation 71. The Baltic Sea Region: Culture, Politics & Social Transformation 72.
Accounting and Finance 73. Economics
74. Entrepreneurship 75. Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Business Contexts
76. Management: People, Projects and Processes
77. Marketing Research & Analysis Management
 Sustainable Management 79. Marketing Management
80. Growth through Innovation and International Marketing 81. Leadership and Management in International Context 82. Computational Linguistics 83. Economics and Finance
84. Finance
 85. New Generation Systems 86. Social Psychology
87. Informatics and Management
 Development Studies 89. Euroculture – Erasmus Mundus 90. International Humanitarian Action – Erasmus Mundus
91. International Studies
92. The International and Comparative Law Programme 93. Economics and Econometrics 94. Education for Democracy and Social Justice
Electronic Government
96. Global Journalism
 1. English Literature at Master’s
2. Literature, culture and digital media
 3. Communication
4. Comparative Literature
 5. English (Irish literature, Linguistics, Literature options) 6. European Tourism Management 7. International Museum Studies 8. Applied Ecology in Biology or Environmental Science
9. Applied Ethics
10. Applied Ethics – Erasmus Mundus
11. Child Studies
12. Phoenix EM Dynamics of Health and Society
13. Language and Culture 14. Scandinavian History 15. Perspective on Science and Technology Education 16. Practitioner Research in Science and Technology Education
17. Science and Technology Education Curriculum Development and Implementation
18. American Studies Health & Medicine
1. Public Health
2. Caring Science with major in Nursing 3. Bioinformatics 4. Applied Public Health Nutrition 5. Health Economics
6. Health Promotion
7. International Health – Erasmus Mundus Safety Promotion 8. Phoenix EM Dynamics of Health and Society
 9. Public Health
10. Children: HealthDevelopmentLearning 11. Electronics with Biomedical Engineering Profile
12. Public Health Programme
13. International Health
14. International Humanitarian Action – Erasmus Mundus Natural Sciences
1. Advanced Materials
2. Applied Environmental Measurement Techniques 3. Bioinformatics
4. Complex Adaptive Systems 5. Dependable Computer Systems 6. Engineering Mathematics 7. Environmentally Sustainable Process Technology
8. Hardware for Wireless Communications
9. Industrial Ecology
10. Microsystem Integration Technology
11. Nanoscale Science and Technology – Erasmus Mundus 12. Radio Astronomy and Space Science 13. Sound and Vibration
14. Structural Engineering
 15. Turbulence
 16. Communication
17. Coastal Zone Management
18. Complex Adaptive Systems
19. Systems Biology
 20. The Physics of Matter, Materials and Biological
21. Applied Ecology in Biology or Environmental Science
22. Applied Biology
23. Applied Ethics – Erasmus Mundus
24. Computer Science
25. Environmental Science
26. Geoinformatics
 27. Intelligent Transport Systems 28. Materials Physics and Nanotechnology
29. Molecular Electronics and System Design
30. Water Resources and Livelihood Security
 31. Advanced Materials Science and Engineering – Erasmus Mundus 32. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
33. Civil Engineering with specialisation in rock & soil engineering
34. Environmental Engineering
35. Exploration and Environmental Geosciences
36. Hydropower Engineering
 37. Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering
38. Space Science and Technology – Erasmus Mundus
39. Efficient Computation
40. LUMES – Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science 41. Geographical Information Systems GIS
42. GIS for Environmental Modelling & Management – Erasmus Mundus
43. Analytical Finance
 44. Biodiversity and Development 45. Biomedical Genomics
 46. Environmental Science, Communication and Decision-making
47. Infectious Disease Control
48. Molecular Ecology
 49. Molecular Pathophysiology
50. Biology
51. Chemistry
52. Computing Science
 53. Ecology
54. Environmental Chemistry
55. Genetics
56. Geoecology
57. Mathematics/Mathematical Statistics
58. Medicinal Chemistry
 59. Microbiology
60. Molecular Biology
 61. Optical Physics
62. Physics
63. Plant and Forest Biotechnology 64. Structure and Function of Proteins
65. Bioinformatics 66. Mechatronics
67. Computer Science
68. Ecology
69. Evolutionary Biology
70. Financial Mathematics
 71. Limnology
72. Mathematics
73. Subatomic Physics
74. Molecular Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
75. Molecular Cell Biology I
 76. Molecular Cell Biology II
77. Renewable Energy
78. Scientific Computing
 79. Wireless Communications Fine Arts
1. Fine Arts
2. Advanced Product Design
 3. Interaction Design
4. Transportation Design Interdisciplinary Studies
1. Society, Science and Technology 2. Water Resources – WaterLU Technology
1. Computer Science
2. Electrical Engineering
3. European Spatial Planning
 4. Intelligent Logistics Management 5. Intelligent Software Systems
6. Mathematical Modelling and Simulation
 7. Mechanical Engineering with Emphasis on Structural Mechanics 8. Security Engineering
9. Software Engineering
10. Strategic leadership towards sustainability
11. Ubiquitous Computing
12. Advanced Materials
13. Automotive Engineering
14. Automotive Industrial Design Engineering
15. Dependable Computer Systems 16. Digital Communication Systems and Technology
17. Electric Power Engineering
18. Hardware for Wireless Communications
19. Management and Economics of Innovation
20. Naval Architecture
21. Production and Operations Management
22. Quality Technology and Management
23. Sound and Vibration
24. Computer Engineering
 25. Electrical Engineering
 26. Mechanical Engineering specialising in Solar Energy Engineering
27. Product and Production Development
28. Solar Energy Engineering
29. Software Engineering and Management
30. Computer Systems Engineering or Electrical Engineering 31. Information Technology 32. Information Technology 33. Information Technology and Fine arts
34. Intelligent Systems Design
35. Software Art
36. Software Engineering and Management
37. Electrical Engineering
 38. Advanced Computer Graphics 39. Communication and Interactivity 40. Computer Science
 41. Design and Technology of Advanced Vehicle Systems 42. Intelligent Transport Systems 43. Manufacturing Management 44. Materials Physics and Nanotechnology
45. Molecular Electronics and System Design
46. Science, Technology and Society 47. Socware Integrated Systems for Communication and Media 48. Advanced Materials Science and Engineering – Erasmus Mundus 49. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
50. Computer Science and Engineering
51. Electrical Engineering
52. Hydropower Engineering
53. Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering
54. Space Science and Technology – Erasmus Mundus
55. Wood Technology
56. Bio & Food Technology
57. LUMES – Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science 58. System-on-Chip
59. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Profile 60. Electronics with Biomedical Engineering Profile
61. International Business and Entrepreneurship
62. Production and Logistics Management
63. Real Time Systems
64. Robotics
65. Sustainable Energy Systems
66. Biotechnology
67. Computer Networks 68. Biological Physics
69. Economics of Innovation and Growth
 70. Electric Power Engineering
71. Engineering and Management of Information Systems 72. Engineering Mechanics 73. Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure 74. Geodesy and Geoinformatics 75. ICT Entrepreneurship 76. Information and Communication Systems Security
 77. Interactive Systems Engineering 78. Internetworking
79. Land Management
80. Light Design
81. Materials Processing
 82. Nanoelectronics
 83. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
84. Photonics
 85. Production Engineering and Management
86. Quantum Physics
87. Real Estate Management
 88. Scientific Computing
89. Software Engineering of Distributed Systems
90. Sound and Vibration
91. Spatial Planning
 92. Sustainable Energy Engineering 93. Sustainable Technology
94. System-on-Chip Design
95. Wireless Systems
96. Applied Electronics with a major in Control Systems
 97. Applied Electronics with a major in Media Signal Processing 98. Applied Electronics with a major in Wearable Computers
99. Applied Electronics with a major in Wireless Communication 100. Biomass-based fuels for Transport 101. Interactive Systems Engineering
102. Robotics and Control
103. Space Engineering in Kiruna 104. Chemical Engineering – Biotechnology
 105. Chemical Engineering – Environmental Engineering 106. Chemical Engineering – Waste Management and Resource Recovery Technology
107. Electrical Engineering – Communication and Signal Processing
108. Fashion and Textile Design 109. Industrial Management and Economics - Logistics
110. Textile Technology
 111. Electronics
112. Energy Systems
113. Geomatics
114. Creative Digital Technology on Interaction Design 115. Manufacturing Management 116. Network Technology
117. Software Engineering
118. Simulation Techniques
119. Robotics and Intelligent Systems



[ یکشنبه 88/6/15 ] [ 1:57 صبح ] [ ندا مرادی ]
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